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Cancer lifestyle event

We first hosted our Cancer Lifestyle Event 2023, with a focus on the mind, body, and soul. This came about after experiencing the journey of cancer firsthand as a family, with our mom being diagnosed with breast cancer and realising how important the community is and the support they provide.


Our aim for this event is to bring awareness for both breast, ovarian and prostate cancer, as through the cancer journey with our mother, we identified the importance of prevention, especially after the discovery that we are cancer gene carriers. Additionally, we will be donating 60% of the proceeds to ChiCaS, a community initiative working with Tygerberg Hospital Children's Oncology department, assisting families and their children with medical and basic needs for the child and the family.

Our heart is for various cancer organisations to come under one event and advocate together, and bring communities together, with the focus of the Cancer Lifestyle event being that of “Expanding our communities.

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Over the past years, we have been privileged to be a part of these organisations, which are striving to uplift and empower communities through inspiring, interacting and just loving their communities in need.

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